Gulf of Mexico News

Federal government leases minerals in five states
4/4/2002, Yahoo News
PGS Reservoir Consultants Launch a New Web Site to Promote its Energy Transaction Services
4/3/2002, Yahoo News
Atlantis to cost BHP and BP $2bn
4/3/2002, BHP Billiton Official Website
TGS-NOPEC secures 3D vessel capacity for the Gulf of Mexico
4/2/2002, Yahoo News
Notice of Availability of the Draft Environmental Impact Statement, Locations, & Dates of Public Hearings on Proposed CGOM and WGOM Planning Area
4/2/2002, MMS
ChevronTexaco Makes Discovery at Tahiti Prospect in Deep Water Gulf of Mexico
4/2/2002, ChevronTexaco Official Website
Dominion E&P Makes `Significant` Shelf Discovery
4/1/2002, Yahoo News
Dominion finds significant US Gulf gas field
4/1/2002, Yahoo News
ChevronTexaco`s Tahiti a major deepwater discovery
4/1/2002, Yahoo News
PanCanadian Energy touts energy find in deepwater Gulf of Mexico
4/1/2002, Yahoo News
Beach Replenishment Project Begins in Brevard County, Florida
3/27/2002, MMS
MMS Restores Email and Web Access
3/27/2002, MMS
ATP Oil & Gas Awarded Deepwater Royalty Relief by MMS and Marks Record Production for Garden Banks 409
3/27/2002, ATP Oil & Gas Official Website
Houston Exploration High Bidder on 3 of 6 Leases in Federal Lease Sale; Acquires Additional Exploratory Acreage in South Texas
3/26/2002, Houston Exploration Co Official Website
MMS and Texas A&M University To Extend Deepsea scientific Investigation Into Mexican Waters
3/26/2002, MMS
Mariner Energy Is Apparent High Bidder on 12 Blocks in Central Gulf of Mexico Lease Sale
3/26/2002, Yahoo News
FMC Technologies Unit Signs Strategic Sourcing Agreement With BP For Gulf of Mexico Deepwater Developments
3/26/2002, Yahoo News
Contango Oil & Gas Affiliates Apparent High Bidders on Six Gulf of Mexico Lease Blocks
3/22/2002, Yahoo News
Magnum Hunter High Bidder on 41 Central Gulf of Mexico Lease Blocks
3/22/2002, Yahoo News
Gulf of Mexico Deepwater Oil Production Accelerated in 2001
3/22/2002, MMS
A MATTER OF TRUST: The Case of Cobell v. Norton
Spinnaker Exploration Company Announces Intention to Offer Common Stock Under Shelf Registration Statement
3/22/2002, Spinnaker Exploration
Nexen Inc. High Bidder on 30 Gulf of Mexico Blocks
3/21/2002, Yahoo News
EPL High Bidder on Four Central Gulf of Mexico Blocks
3/21/2002, Yahoo News
BHP Billiton Acquires Interests in 27 Blocks in Central Gulf of Mexico Lease Sale 182
3/21/2002, Yahoo News
Dominion Apparent High Bidder on 37 Blocks in Central Gulf of Mexico Sale, Including Twenty-three in Deepwater
3/21/2002, MMS
Pogo Wins Six New Gulf Coast Offshore Leases
3/20/2002, Pogo Producing
Dominion big spender in Gulf of Mexico lease sale
3/20/2002, Yahoo News
Central Gulf of Mexico Sale 182 Attracts $363 Million in High Bids
3/20/2002, MMS
Central Gulf of Mexico Lease Sale 182 Receives 697 Bids on 506 Tracts
3/19/2002, MMS
Range farms out 50% for deep West Cameron well
3/19/2002, Yahoo News
Kerr-McGee makes 3 discoveries on deepwater Navajo Field
3/18/2002, Yahoo News
Secretary Norton Announces Proposed Five-Year Plan for Outer Continental Shelf Oil and Gas Leasing
3/18/2002, MMS
Kerr-McGee hits it big with Navajo discoveries
3/18/2002, Kerr-McGee Official Website
Newfield reveals 5 Gulf of Mexico finds
3/11/2002, Newfield Official Website
Remington plans exploratory tests on West Cameron 253
3/9/2002, Remington Official Website
ChevronTexaco planning Mississippi Canyon Block 860 probe
3/5/2002, Yahoo News
McMoRan Exploration Co. Receives Approval for Industrial Revenue Bonds and Expects to Extend Sulphur Unit Credit Facility Maturity
2/22/2002, McMoran Official Website
Accepted bids for offshore petroleum leases total $340.5 million
1/30/2002, Nando Times
Eastern Gulf of Mexico Sale 181 Nets $340 Million in High Bids
1/29/2002, MMS