Compressor Explosion

Effective Date: 1/13/1977

U.S. Department of the Interior
Minerals Management Service
Gulf of Mexico OCS Region

Notice No. 053

January 13, 1977

OCS Operations Safety Alert

Compressor Explosion

A compressor crankcase explosion and flash fire recently occurred on an offshore production platform.

Gas accumulated in the crankcase through a leak from the compressor cylinder. The leak was due to premature packing wear caused by an excessively worn crosshead pin. The gas was probably ignited when it came in contact with the power cylinders. The resulting explosion caused venting out of the crankcase through relief valves on the compressor plates into the compressor building and secondary fires occurred. The automatic CO2 system was tripped and extinguished the fires immediately.

There were no personnel in the vicinity of the compressor when the fire occurred and only minor property damage resulted.

To prevent a recurrence of this accident the operator has taken the following action:

1. A complete overhaul is being performed on this compressor.

2. All internal components have been inspected and replaced as required.

[signed] D.J. Bourgeois

for D.W. Solanas

Oil and Gas Supervisor

Field Operations

Gulf of Mexico Area