Crane Accident
Effective Date: 6/20/1980
Minerals Management Service Gulf of Mexico OCS Region |
Notice No. 096
June 20, 1980
OCS Operations Safety Alert
Crane Accident
Two recent accidents occurred involving cranes. One accident happened while off-loading a bunkhouse from an offshore production platform. The second accident involved a rotary table being off-loaded from an offshore drilling rig. In both cases, the operator estimated the load to be lighter than the actual weight. Other contributing factors were the excessive boom angle of the cranes and broken weight indicators. These combined factors caused the cables to part and the loads to fall. There were no injuries to personnel.
To prevent a recurrence of this type of accident, the lessees are taking the following action:
1. Crane operators will be trained, experienced, and certified.
2. Weights of all loads will be known and weight indicators operational before use.
3. A monthly inspection of the cranes and preventive maintenance will also be emphasized.
[signed] D.W. Solanas
Deputy Conservation Manager
Offshore Operations Support
Gulf of Mexico OCS Region