Effective Date: 7/25/1979
Minerals Management Service Gulf of Mexico OCS Region |
Notice No. 086
July 25, 1979
OCS Operations Safety Alert
A driller's helper recently received fatal injuries while working in a mud tank on an offshore platform drilling rig.
The tank in which the helper was working was used for mixing mud and was equipped with power driven agitator paddles. He was cleaning the tank prior to the mixing of a different type of mud. The agitator became activated and he was entangled in the paddles.
To prevent a recurrence of this accident the operator is taking the following action:
1. Improved communications among crew members.
2. Initiate Electrical Safety Clearance Procedure to insure that equipment is de-energized, locked out, and tagged before conducting work on the machine.
3. Discuss the lock-out procedure at safety meetings and perform inspections to be certain the policy is being carried out.
[signed] D.W. Solanas
Oil and Gas Supervisor
Operations Support
Gulf of Mexico Area