Compressor Explosion
Effective Date: 3/11/1977
Minerals Management Service Gulf of Mexico OCS Region |
Notice No. 059
March 11, 1977
OCS Operations Safety Alert
Compressor Explosion
An explosion recently occurred on an offshore compressor platform.
A production platform which had been shut-in for repairs was being opened up to a compressor platform when a rupture disc blew out of a suction scrubber on the compressor platform. It is believed the wells were either opened up too quickly or an accumulation of liquid caused a gas surge which ruptured the disc. One compressor shut-down but a second compressor continued to run. It sucked air through the rupture disc opening into the compressor cylinder where the air-gas mixture exploded. Extensive damage to the compressor resulted but there were no injuries to personnel and no fire or pollution.
To prevent a recurrence of this accident the operator is taking the following action:
1. Installing a fuel shut-off valve to be activated by the low pressure suction signal rather than grounding the magneto as the system was originally designed.
2. Replacing the rupture disc with pilot operated relief valves.
3. Isolating any pressure vessels that are out of service for any reason as soon as possible.
[signed] D.W. Solanas
Oil and Gas Supervisor
Field Operations
Gulf of Mexico Area