Hydraulic Pump Reservoir Ruptures -- Minor Injury
Effective Date: 5/25/1976
Minerals Management Service Gulf of Mexico OCS Region |
Notice No. 042
May 25, 1976
OCS Operations Safety Alert
Hydraulic Pump Reservoir Ruptures -- Minor Injury
A serviceman on an offshore platform recently received minor hand injuries when the fluid reservoir on a hydraulic pump ruptured. The pump was rated for high pressure, but the reservoir was capable of withstanding only low pressure. While testing safety pilots at high pressure, the check valves on the pump discharge and pump suction leaked, permitting high pressure to enter the reservoir which caused it to rupture.
To prevent a recurrence of this accident the operator has issued instructions to all field personnel using this type of hydraulic pump to install a vent or relief valve on the reservoirs before the pumps are used again.
[signed] D.W. Solanas
Oil and Gas Supervisor
Field Operations
Gulf of Mexico Area