Flash Fire -- Cutting and Welding

Effective Date: 1/9/1973

U.S. Department of the Interior
Minerals Management Service
Gulf of Mexico OCS Region

Notice No. 004

January 9, 1973

OCS Operations Safety Alert
Flash Fire--Cuttingand Welding

Two flash fires occurred recently on OCS installations. Both fires originatedfrom welding operations.

One of these fires resulted when welding sparks and slag ignited controlsupply gas which was leaking from an O-ring seal on the actuator of a surfacesafety valve. The other fire resulted when welding sparks and slag ignited apartially filled drum of methanol. Both fires were controlled immediately by useof portable dry chemical extinguishers. Even though these fires were of shortduration and property damage was not significant, there were personnel injuriesinvolved.

The below listed recommendations which resulted from the investigation shouldbe reviewed by all operators for applicability to their particular OCSinstallations and operational procedures.

1. These documents should be consulted in order to establish procedures andprecautions which are necessary in the performance of safe cutting and weldingoperations. (1) API RP 2009 "Safe Practices in Gas and Electric Cutting andWelding," (2) National Fire Protection Association Bulletin No. 51B"Cutting and Welding Processes 1971," (3) Offshore OperatorsCommittee, "Manual of Safe Practices in Offshore Operations."

2. Prior to performing any cutting or welding outside of an approved firesafe area, a work permit should be obtained from the individual responsible forauthorizing the work. Prior to issuing this permit, the work location should beinspected by the responsible individual to insure that the area is safe forcutting and welding operations. Detailed information on the scope of the areainspection may be obtained from the above listed documents.

3. All equipment used in the operation, cutting and welding apparatus, gasand vapor detection equipment, and fire extinguishing equipment, should bemaintained in good operating condition.

4. A periodic review of safety precautions relating to cutting and weldingoperations and a review of firefighting techniques are necessary training forfield personnel.

5. Fire extinguishing equipment must be inspected frequently and completelyto insure that it will be in working condition when needed.

[signed]Robert F. Evans

Oil and Gas Supervisor