Flash Fire -- Glycol Gas Dehydrator Unit

Effective Date: 1/3/1973

U.S. Department of the Interior
Minerals Management Service
Gulf of Mexico OCS Region

Notice No. 003

January 3, 1973

OCS Operations Safety Alert
Flash Fire -- GlycolGas Dehydrator Unit

A flash fire occurred recently in the production facilities of a gasproduction platform in OCS waters. The fuel source for the fire was gas andcondensate which was released when a crack developed in the threads of theglycol return line at the contact tower. Released gas and condensate then blewonto the uninsulated glycol reboiler stack and ignited.

The thread crack resulted from metal fatigue which was probably caused bypump or other vibrations being transmitted through the piping to the point ofconnection on the contact tower. After having been subjected to these vibrationstresses for a period of time, the piping failed at its weakest point--thethread.

The below listed recommendations, which resulted from the investigation,could help prevent this type accident where similar conditions exist. Theapplicability of this safety alert notice to other OCS installations should bedetermined by the operator after a thorough review of his particularinstallations.

1. Design piping such that pump induced vibrations and other vibrations aredamped out at the source and not transmitted through the piping system.

2. Perform periodic maintenance inspections of piping systems and identifyand eliminate piping vibrations which will cause this type failure.

3. Insulate or use double wall exhaust stacks on all hot surfaces which are apotential ignition source, especially in areas of possible release of producedhydrocarbons or other flammable liquids.

[signed] Robert F. Evans

Oil and Gas Supervisor