Men Drowned
Effective Date: 2/13/1975
Minerals Management Service Gulf of Mexico OCS Region |
Notice No. 018
February 13, 1975
OCS Operations Safety Alert
Men Drowned
Two men were drowned recently when they were washed overboard from anoffshore production-drilling platform.
A roustabout and floorman were on the catwalk at the +10' level installing amooring line during moderately rough seas when an unusually large wave engulfedthe catwalk and swept them overboard.
To prevent a recurrence of this type of accident, the operator has taken thefollowing action:
1. Handrails have been installed on both sides of the catwalks.
2. Employees have been instructed to wear life jackets at all times whenworking on catwalks or boat landings near the water.
3. Employees have been instructed never to work in these areas alone, but towork in two-man teams.
[signature] D.W. Solanas
Oil and Gas Supervisor
Field Operations
Gulf of Mexico Area