Fire -- Men Burned
Effective Date: 11/27/1974
Minerals Management Service Gulf of Mexico OCS Region |
Notice No. 017
November 27, 1974
OCS Operations Safety Alert
Fire--Men Burned
A fire on an offshore production platform recently resulted in serious burnsto two men.
The low-pressure system had been taken out of service and the connecting lineto the high-pressure system had been left open-ended. The system was beingplaced back in service when gas flowing from the open-ended line was ignited bywelding operations. The two men performing the welding were seriously burned.The fire was extinguished immediately.
To prevent recurrence of this accident, the operator has taken the followingaction:
1. All open piping, regardless of type, is blind flanged or plugged.
2. All valves not used on a day-to-day basis are locked.
3. Proper planning with a written detail of the work plans is formulatedprior to commencing operations.
4. It is ascertained that personnel have proper knowledge of piping and flowschematics before operating the facilities.
5. The appropriate portion of the company operating instruction letter ormanual is reviewed.
6. All wells are shut in during welding operations, except those supplyinggenerator gas.
7. All personnel not involved in the welding or cutting are to stay out ofthe work area.
[signature] D.W. Solanas
Oil and Gas Supervisor
Field Operations
Gulf of Mexico Area