Fatality While Testing Gas Turbine Meter
Effective Date: 10/3/1983
Minerals Management Service Gulf of Mexico OCS Region |
Notice No. 117
October 3, 1983
Fatality While Testing Gas Turbine Meter
A field production employee was fatally injured while preparing to spin testa gas turbine meter on a production test separator. The employee had apparentlyfailed to block and bleed off the pressure on the test separator and was in theprocess of removing the half clamps on the meter assembly when it blew off,striking the employee in the abdomen. He was taken to a hospital by helicopterbut succumbed during surgery.
In order to prevent a recurrence of this type of accident, the operatorrecommends the following:
Installation of block valves upstream and downstream of the turbine meter anda blowdown valve between the block valves to simplify the block and bleedprocedure.
[signed] D.W. Solanas
Regional Supervisor
Offshore Operations Support