Stem Blowout of Grove B-4 Ball Valves

Effective Date: 8/15/1974

U.S. Department of the Interior
Minerals Management Service
Gulf of Mexico OCS Region

Notice No. 010

August 15, 1974

OCS Operations Safety Alert
Stem Blowout ofGrove B-4 Ball Valves

Two incidents were recently reported by an operator in which the stems ofGrove B-4 ball valves blew out while attempting to close the valves. Excessivetorque was required to close the valves, which resulted in shearing the pinsholding the stems in place. Fortunately, only very minor injury to personneloccurred, with no damage to the property or environment.

These valves can be modified to correct this potentially dangerous situation.Information on modification can be obtained from:

Grove Valve and Regulator Company

2525 No. Loop West

Suite 416

Houston, Texas 77001

Telephone: (713) 869-7311

[signature] D.W. Solanas

Oil and Gas Supervisor

Field Operations

Gulf of Mexico Area